IAMAChurchMember-webYesterday, I picked up a copy of I Am A Church Member by Thom Rainer.  I had heard many good things about this book through social media like Facebook and Twitter.  I have a reading list a mile long, but as I was going through Lifeway, I came across this book (and it was on sale!) and decided to go ahead and pick it up.

My first reaction in looking at the book was “it’s a lot smaller than I anticipated.”  The book is only about 80 pages long.  In my mind, I wondered if this little book could really be what all the hype I was hearing about.  After finishing the book this morning, I was reminded that dynamite comes in small packages, too.

As a Christian and a pastor, I have seen the deterioration of church membership especially within the denomination that I am part.  Many do not see the need to be official members of a local church.  Those who are members of local churches many times do not have a proper view as to what it means to be a church member.  Part of the reason for this is on the churches themselves.  There have been many times when I have been a part of a local church but there was no teaching as to what a church member should be.

I must agree with the 23 people who endorsed this book on the beginning pages that Thom Rainer has put together a great little book to begin the process of helping churches and members know the importance, reason and responsibilities of a church member.  It is a great little read that is very thought-provoking and causes one to address some important issues of being a member of a local church.

I would highly recommend that every person who is a member of a Christian church or anyone curious to what the big deal with church membership is about to pick up a copy of this little book and dive in.  I believe strongly that you will not be disappointed.