I can see the finish line.  Three more classes and I will finally have my MDiv from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.  I have been working on this degree since January of 2007.  It has been a long journey, but a fruitful one.  I said that there were three more classes, but the truth is there is actually one more.

Apparently, my English Composition grades from my undergrad are not what they need to be.  I was informed by NOBTS that they would not allow me to graduate until I take an English Comp class to boost my grade up to a 2.0.

homer_simpson_doh1You see, when I entered college in the fall of 1997, one of my first classes was English Composition I.  I had a sweet lady for a professor.  There was just one issue that I had with her teaching.  She wanted us to keep a journal throughout the semester.  I thought to myself, “I thought I was in college, not junior high.”  So I decided to not do a journal.

My decision landed me with a “D” for the semester.  Who would’ve thought that one little assignment would have held so much weight?  Apparently, this one did.  Now I have to retake English Composition I from a community college in order to receive my Masters degree.

It is amazing that the things that seem “beneath” you are some of the most important things.  It is easy to think that we are above doing certain things.  We sometimes think, “I’ve already been there and done that.”  Life then shows us that though we’ve “done that” already, it might be something that we need to continue to do.

What “things” are there in your life that seem beneath you that you need to be focusing on and continuing?

New Orleans Baptist Theological SeminaryWikipedia: The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (“NOBTS”) is a private, non-profit institution of higher learning affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, located in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana.