I recently was told about a book that had been released telling the story of how a predominately Anglo-American church in the deep south had become a multicultural community of Jesus followers.  I knew when I heard about this that I had to get a copy of this book and check it out.

Technicolor: Inspiring Your Church to Embrace Multicultural Ministry is a book that was written by Mark Hearn, the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Duluth, Georgia.  It tells the story of how this “monolithic Anglo-American congregation” has turned the corner and become a “cross-cultural community with members from thirty-seven different countries.”

The story of First Baptist Church of Duluth, Georgia has been shared in parts in different media outlets such as The Gwinnet Daily Post, The Wall Street Journal, and Facts and Trends (publication of Lifeway Christian Resources).  Technicolor is the account of what God is doing in this church from the perspective of the Senior Pastor who has watched it unfold.

This book covers a topic that I believe is one of the most needed topics that the church in the United States and around the world needs to have.  Whether we like it or not, want to admit it or not, our world is quickly becoming a multicultural place.  Hearn learned this as he found out that there were 57 different languages being spoken at the local high school. As it is shared in the book, “by the year 2050, the United States will no longer have a majority ethnic group.”  I could not agree more with what Hearn says, “Churches in America are going to become extinct, or at least severely crippled, unless we learn how to minister in a multicultural society” (15).

One of the things that I liked so much about Technicolor was that it is not a “how to” manual.  Hearn is quick to mention that this book is a telling of what God had (and continues to do) in their midst.  While Hearn does share some principles, lessons learned, and encouragements for those looking to do more multicultural ministry in their local churches, he is careful not to say anything like “this is the way to do it.”


I would encourage you to get a copy of Technicolor and read it through.  I believe that you will see the shift in cultures that is taking place before us in a fresh new way.  I believe that you will be inspired by the story of a deep south white church that heard the call of God to reach out to the nations.

Technicolor is one work that is definitely needed for both church leaders and church members.  The multicultural ministry is coming to all parts of the land in which we live.  We can either learn to do it well and thrive, or we can refuse to participate and die.  The story of First Baptist Church of Duluth, Georgia is one that encourages me greatly.