I am what you might label “an extrovert.”  I like to be around people.  The more people in a crowd, the more excited and interested I get.  There are times though that I like to get away by myself and just have some “alone time.”  I believe that everyone needs that at times.  Some just more than others.

While I often use my “alone time” to work and think through things that are going on at the time, I am very thankful that I am not alone.  I know that Jesus is with me always.  But that’s not what I’m talking about.  I am thankful for the helpmate that He has blessed me with in my wife, Naomi.

DSC_0114Since November 1, 2001 (when we officially started dating), Naomi has been there beside me.  On January 17, 2004, she officially signed up to walk with me down every path that God would carry me by saying two words: “I do.”  Since that time, she has been there beside me with encouragement and love to be all that God wants me to be.

Some paths of this journey that God has led me have not been easy ones.  There have been many times that I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and say, “I’m done!”  There have been many times when I would get so overwhelmed (usually because of my lack of planning skills).

Through it all, I have been able to count on two constants: Jesus first, and my wife second.  They have been there to push, prod, encourage, and refuse to let me settle for anything less than God’s amazing plans for my life.

For this I am truly thankful.