As the day begins for me, I would like to express my thanks for some specific blessings that God has brought my way over the past couple of years. The first came my way six years ago. The next came three years ago. The last came two years ago. Today, I would like to thank God for the boys that He has allowed me to be father to.
I can remember many moons ago asking God to give me at least one son. He chose to bless me with three! Little did I know how much God would use these three boys to reveal so much about myself. You’ve probably heard people talk about how children favor this parent or relative. While these boys do have some of my physical characteristics, I see a lot of my “inner characteristics” in them (and that might not be so good).

Over the past six years, God has on many occasions said to my heart as I would get on to the boys about something, “Look familiar? I think I know someone else who throws a fit when they don’t get their way… Or who doesn’t want to listen… Or who just wants to do it their way.” Time and time again I hang my head as I realize that God is using these treasures to show me myself before Him. I’m not sure that I would have seen some things in my life as clearly as I have through my boys.