Posts filed under: Family

Happy Thanksgiving 2017

May the Lord bless you and your family in mighty ways....

We’re Coming To Your City

Well, it is getting about that time again. The holiday season is upon us. While this means many things to different people, it means spending some time with family that we do not get to see often.  We wanted to...

The Power of Influence

Last night was a big night in the Stephens household.  Our middle son, Sam, has had his first “loose tooth” for a little while now.  I knew that this day would come.  I personally was dreading this day because Sam...

I Can’t See God

This was a statement that one of my sons made to me the other night. We were getting him ready for bed and trying to get him to lay down in his bed. He made the comment that he was...

Drew’s 9th

Today, this little man turns 9 years old! Where has the time gone?  My little bear (the boy, not the dog) is growing up so quickly.  God has taught me so much about Himself through this little man.  I count...

A Good Word from a Kindergarten Grad

Today has been a busy day around our house.  We celebrated the birthdays of our middle and youngest children today.  Sam turned 6 on June 4th, and Cole will turn 5 on July 14th.  We decided with all the things...

Happy birthday to my little ones

Today, our family will celebrate our two younger sons: Sam and Cole. Sam’s birthday was back on June 4th, and Cole’s is coming up on July 14th. We thought that with everything going on with our crazy summer, we would...