Posts tagged with: sin

The Inside Is Important

I am one who likes my coffee. It doesn’t matter the time of day. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like. I’m always up for a good cup of coffee. A couple of years ago, our family invested in...

The Promise of a Savior

There is nothing like the Christmas season. It comes rushing in like a hurricane and overtakes everything. Music. Movies. Even grocery stores. When Christmas comes in, you cannot miss it. While you cannot miss the presence of the season, it...

Detestable Prayers

I came across a Bible verse the other day that really hit me hard in the gut.  Have you ever had that happen?  Ever had a Bible verse that you know that you have read over many times before, but...

We Are The Champions: Over Sin

INTRODUCTION In 1977, the rock group, Queen, introduced a song to the world.  This song has gone on to become one of the most recognized songs in history.  You will hear it played at almost any sporting event to celebrate...