Posts tagged with: serve

Blessed to Bless Others

As we begin a new year, I want to start a series of messages called A Generous Life. Our generous God has called His followers to live a generous life. We may hear and even agree with that, but how...

Serve One Another

As we continue this series, One Another, looking at different verses from the Bible about how we are to live together as the local church, we come to the phrase that can be found in Galatians 5 – “serve one...

Pastor Appreciation 2017 Part 1

October has been set aside as “Pastor Appreciation Month.” I have always thought that this was a little silly. It is like the joke that goes around the church where I serve as pastor: “we got to appreciate you a...

It’s That Important

We started a new session of small groups at our church this past Sunday.  We have moved from a regular service to doing more small group Bible studies on Sunday evenings.  We are seeing some peaked interest and even a...

I Never Thought I Would

Those are words that I’m sure have come across all of our lips at some point in time. There are just some things out there that we cannot ever see ourselves doing. When those little moments do talk place in...