Posts tagged with: Paul

Living With Passion

Paul wrote Galatians to a group of churches in the area of Galatia to help them understand the freedom they have in Christ. There were false teachers who were coming into these churches telling them they needed something more than...

Freedom By Faith

‌As we continue our journey through the New Testament letter of Galatians, we come to chapter two. In this chapter, we will see the reality that true freedom comes by faith. Freedom is a quality that is highly cherished in...

Freed by Grace

I want to begin a new series that will go through the New Testament letter of Galatians. This letter was written by the apostle Paul to a group of churches in Galatia. This was an area where Paul went during...

The Church is a Place of Boldness

We have been going through a sermon series at the church where I serve as Pastor this month called “Rethinking the Church.”  If you were to ask the common person on the street what they thought of when they heard...

Grace and Mercy

On Wednesday nights at Bethany Baptist Church, we have started a series where we are going through the New Testament letter, 1 Timothy.  I thought that I would share a little of my notes from what I shared with our...