Posts tagged with: Moses

Valleys and Peaks: Part 2

According to Smithsonian Magazine, it takes a lot to make a diamond. The beautiful, strong stones that we treasure comes from the work of high heat and pressure beneath the earth’s surface. Deep below the earth’s surface, a violent volcanic...

God’s Covenant with the Israelites

I read a story this week about two brothers who were in the kitchen getting ready to boil some eggs. The older brother said to the younger brother, “I’ll give you a dollar if you let me break three of...


As we continue our series called Faithful, we are looking at some people in the Bible who showed great faith. The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is the act of...

Gift or Giver

I am a fan of many different styles of music. Each type brings something to the table for the listener to enjoy. I have come to notice that one characteristic stands out to make a song a great one. It...