Posts tagged with: life

What Sign Is On You?

My family has been walking through the New Testament letter of Romans in our family devotions.  We are taking it a little at a time because this letter is one that is filled with rich theological truths that we need...

Book Review: “Discerning Your Call to Ministry”

I received a copy of Discerning Your Call to Ministry by Jason K. Allen recently.  I had heard about this book while listening to the Rainer on Leadership podcast.  I was intrigued by what I had heard on this book.  I believe...

Detestable Prayers

I came across a Bible verse the other day that really hit me hard in the gut.  Have you ever had that happen?  Ever had a Bible verse that you know that you have read over many times before, but...

It’s No Fun

The other day, I had the privilege of doing some chores outside. There were some bushes that needed to be trimmed back. I had a little time on my hands, so I decided to knock them out. I called to...