Posts tagged with: evangelism

Living With Passion

Paul wrote Galatians to a group of churches in the area of Galatia to help them understand the freedom they have in Christ. There were false teachers who were coming into these churches telling them they needed something more than...

Youth Evangelism Conference

This past weekend, middle school and high school students from our church joined together with others from across our state for a Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC) in a nearby city. It was exciting to hear about what took place as...

Whatever It Takes

We have been looking at the importance of unity within the fellowship of the local church recently. The church has been given the responsibility of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every people group. For this to happen, there...

In Debt

Those words are some that scare me to death. Debt is one thing that causes great stress in many people’s lives today. It is proving more difficult each year to come out of college without having a mound of debt...

Encouragement from an Older Preacher

I have been accused of being a Bible collector at times. I have about 6 or 7 different English translations in print and many more via Logos and the Bible app. What can I say, I like God’s word and...

The Tragedy of Forgetfulness

I am one that does not like to forget things. Sadly, I feel my hand on my head many times as I suddenly remember something that was to happen earlier. It is embarrassing at times. It is frustrating most of...

More Isn’t Always Better

The Southern Baptists of Mississippi are pushing a campaign to get their members more involved in evangelism. This campaign is called “Tell Me, Tell Someone.” It is a good campaign in my opinion. It is one that any Christian can...