Posts tagged with: Covenant

Purpose of the Law

We are looking at the New Testament letter called Galatians. This was a letter written to a group of churches in the first century by the apostle Paul. There was a group of false teachers who had come into these...

God’s Covenant with the Israelites

I read a story this week about two brothers who were in the kitchen getting ready to boil some eggs. The older brother said to the younger brother, “I’ll give you a dollar if you let me break three of...

God’s Covenant with Abraham

The age that we live in is one of constant upgrades. It seems like people are always looking to upgrade something in their lives: phones, TVs, houses, cars, internet services, etc. We seem to be looking for the bigger and...

God’s Covenant with Noah

In 1962, the television show Candid Camera decided to conduct an experiment on the general public. They went to a public place that had an elevator and had some secretly placed people in the elevator all facing towards the back....

What is a Covenant?

Everywhere you turn there seems to be a contract waiting for your signature. It may be a new phone, a new house, a new vehicle, or something else. It just seems that it is a part of our lives today....