Posts tagged with: bible

A Great Teaching Tool

In the work of gospel ministry, churches and pastors use many teaching tools to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to those they reach. It is so encouraging to see all of the tools that have been given to...

Gentle Restoration

As we continue our series on the New Testament letter of Galatians, we have come to the final chapter. I hope this has been as much of an encouragement to you as it has been to me. It is good...

Walk By the Spirit

As we continue our study through the New Testament letter of Galatians, we come to the last half of chapter 5. Paul has been writing to these Christians in the area of Galatia (modern-day Turkey) to confront some false teachings...

Stand Firm

We are back in our series through the New Testament letter of Galatians. This is a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to a group of churches in an area known as Galatia, which is in modern-day Turkey. These were...

Living With Passion

Paul wrote Galatians to a group of churches in the area of Galatia to help them understand the freedom they have in Christ. There were false teachers who were coming into these churches telling them they needed something more than...

Trusting in God’s Word

I invite you to find Galatians 4 in your Bibles this morning as we continue looking at this letter Paul wrote to a group of churches in the first century. As you are finding your place in God’s word today,...

Walking in Grace

We are working our way through the New Testament letter of Galatians. Paul wrote this letter to a group of churches he helped start on one of his missionary journeys. The purpose of Paul writing this letter was to correct...