Posts filed under: Church/Ministry

Instruct One Another

We are going through a series that we have called One Another where we are looking at various statements from the Bible that show us how we are to live as the church. The church is the body of believers...

Agree With One Another

We are going through a sermon series called One Another where we are looking at what the New Testament has to say to us about being a faith family. This is one of the most precious descriptions of the local...

Honor One Another

As we continue our sermon series called One Another, we are looking at different statements in the New Testament that show us how to live together as a faith family. This thing called the church is so much more than...

Love One Another

We are going through a sermon series at my church called One Another. In this series of messages, we are looking at what it means for our church to be a faith family. God desires that every local church function...

We Are Family

The Bible talks about over and over that the church is a representation of the family of God. There is a Greek word – adelphos which is translated as either “brothers” or “brothers and sisters” – that appears in the New...

Book Review: Rediscover Church

Book Title: Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ is Essential Author: Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman Publisher: Crossway Publishers Some time back, I received a copy of Rediscover Church from Crossway Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I...


As we continue our series called Faithful, we are looking at some people in the Bible who showed great faith. The Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is the act of...